10 Hilariously Amazing Teacher Mugs

26 Jul 2017

10 Hilariously Amazing Teacher Mugs

Teachers, we know coffee is basically a main food group. Check out this list of fun teacher mugs that are sure to put a smile on your face! Drop us a comment on which one is your favorite! Amazon $14.95 + shipping Amazon $16.87 + shipping Amazon $13.99 + shipping Amazon $13.99 + shipping Amazon [...]

21 Jun 2017

Resource Challenged: The Classroom’s Bare Supply Closet – part III

Fundraising is hard. Getting parents, teachers, and students to participate can be extremely difficult and frustrating. Apperson reached out to the National PTA audience with a survey on fundraising to see what has and has not been working for them. The responses were outstanding. 66% of respondents said they felt the parent organization supports their [...]

31 May 2017

Name Brand Stores with Teacher Discounts

Teachers, we know you work hard. Check out our list of retail stores that help support teachers by offering special discounts and promotions. All store discounts in the list have been verified! Banana Republic – 15% off full-priced purchases for both students and teachers, in stores only Barnes & Noble – Sign up for their [...]

24 May 2017

Innovative Classroom Ideas

Creating new and interesting presentations in the classroom is a great way to help keep students engaged and invested in learning. Try some of these approaches in your own classroom and see what works best for you!* Mastery Learning Mastery learning is making sure that your students fully grasp a concept before moving forward with [...]

10 May 2017

Fun Science Experiments for Students

Check out these fun and simple science experiments that your students are sure to love. To see these in action, be sure to check out our Facebook page for updated videos! Colored Rock Candy https://www.stevespanglerscience.com/lab/experiments/homemade-rock-candy/ Materials: granulated sugar, small jar, hot water, food coloring, pencil, string, small bead or something to act as a weight [...]

3 May 2017

10 Tips for Student Engagement

Keeping your students engaged in the classroom can be a difficult task for any teacher. Check out this great list on some ways you can help make this more effective*! Set the Stage - Atmosphere is critical in helping your students stay engaged. This can range from having colorful bulletin boards and a theme for [...]

26 Apr 2017

Resource Challenged: The Classroom’s Bare Supply Closet – part II

We’ve established in our earlier blog post that there is a huge trend of students attending school without having the proper school supplies, and that teachers are paying significant amounts of money from their own pockets to try and combat these odds. This issue not only hurts the teachers, but the students as well.  Apperson conducted an [...]

19 Apr 2017

Using Data to Make Decisions

There are four main reasons for teachers to use student assessment data when making decisions. These are: Curriculum revision Informing instructional decisions in the classroom Monitoring student progress toward meeting standards Empowering students with the results of their learning Changes to a curriculum will result in large-scales changes. This means that the action will have [...]

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