Finding a Balance with Work and Life

8 years ago

Teaching is a very demanding profession, requiring long hours spent reviewing coursework. Between creating lesson plans, grading tests, and reviewing…

Apperson Helps Students Prepare for the SAT and ACT with new Practice Test Forms that Mimic the Tests

8 years ago

Press release created by KEH Dec 13, 2016. Testing sheets are compatible with the DataLink 1200 scanner giving schools detailed…

14 Uplifting Read-Alouds for Tough Testing Days

9 years ago

Testing season can be stressful for students and their teachers! We asked teachers for their favorite positive, motivational, stress-reducing, hard-work-encouraging…

Why Formative Assessments are Critical for Student Learning

9 years ago

It seems we spend a big chunk of the school year focused on summative assessments. From the big end-of-unit and…

6 Quick-Checks for Comprehension

9 years ago

Sometimes it can be difficult to know whether students are really “getting it” as you move through a unit or…

5 Ways Technology Has Transformed Learning

9 years ago

First things first, technology hasn’t changed the fundamentals of teaching and learning but it sure has transformed how the classroom…

16 Teacher Hacks for Making Data Collection a Piece of Cake

9 years ago

Collecting data is not necessarily every teacher’s cup of tea, but in today’s teaching climate, it’s definitely a necessity. After…

3 Tips for Effective Data-Driven Decision-Making

9 years ago

Data is all around us, and we’ve become experts in using it. From checking customer reviews before purchasing a product,…

Ready, Set, Benchmarking!

9 years ago

Fall is in the air and classrooms are full of new students. While everyone in the room may be in…